
An average job ad

A typical job advertisement starts with “We are looking for a technology-savvy architect with experience in interior design for the position of Senior Designer”… But who the hell cares about a typical job advertisement?

An average job advertisement is usually not about the point. And to be honest, it takes a lot of luck to get a designer or colleague like us interested.

For example, it is never written in an average advertisement that we believe in a better future that we create. We think world-class can be made in Budapest and that we love to experience what our customers experience.

Because we create value here. And not just by what we do, but by how we do it.

It is not usually written down that it is important to us that it is not all the same how a manager treats his subordinates. How he gives feedback and how he motivates. It is also important whether he likes to teach junior designers. Both in human and professional terms.

Nor is it usually written down that we want to form a community. A kind of island in this slightly complaining, slightly pessimistic Hungarian environment.

To set a positive example, both in approach and technology.

Because you can’t just get a job done, you can do it well. And not just until the delivery of the design, but until the handover of the keys to a satisfied customer.

Today, BuildEXT is much more than a well-built brand.

We have developed pilot projects and workflows that can be used anywhere in the world. This has been based on building a team of people who, one by one, I have a lot of respect for and who have made amazing progress over the last few years.

But the organization is evolving and constantly changing, and sometimes we need an experienced colleague, a leader – or someone with the potential to be one.

Someone whose values fit into the team, who is a good person, who can see through a major project as an architect, and who has a good affinity for interior design. Someone interested in technology and good with customers.

If we do not have and have never had such a colleague, I would say it is impossible. But I know it’s not impossible and I know that there are a lot of skilled, experienced, and ambitious designers out there waiting for a good opportunity.

If you recognize yourself from the description, contact me. If you see someone around you who is or will be a good fit, refer them to us or send them the URL of our careers page.

It’s just right for a daily good deed.

Csaba Livják
founder, CEO

Csaba Livjak

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