The Hungarian economy’s breakout points – our presentation at MBH Bank’s Makronóm Makroverzum conference
- November 22, 2023
A roundtable discussion on the future of the Hungarian industry was held at the MBH Makronóm Makroverzum conference with several decision-makers from big companies, banks, and governments. The organizers asked Csaba Livják, founder of BuildEXT Ltd., digital transformation consultant, to give the introductory presentation of the roundtable as an independent, market speaker.
At the MBH Bank Makronóm Makroverzum conference on 20.11.2023, participants learned about the key objectives of the Hungarian economic strategy and the technological breakthroughs of the economy.
The conference was opened by Máté Lóga, Minister of State for Economic Development and National Financial Services of the Ministry of Economic Development, followed by Gergely Fábián, Minister of State for Industrial Policy and Technology, who presented the industrial strategy of Hungary. The opening presentations were followed by a presentation of the research results of the Macronome Institute and discussions with the most prominent industrial companies, successful start-ups, and representatives of the innovation scene.

“What I have noticed is that in recent years, like in other sectors, the digitalization of the construction industry has accelerated significantly. So has the whole world, and we are expected to be able to adapt immediately to any change because everything is changing. A lot of new tools, software, platforms, and applications have appeared that can provide solutions to these needs, yet many construction companies, employees, and even decision-makers working in the field of heritage protection still cling to paper-based plans almost tooth and nail. ” – said Csaba Livják in an interview before the event.
We must learn to adapt.
This is the breakout point.
“Hungarians – or Germans, or any other European nation – are meticulous, but in many cases, they are averse to innovation. But we all have to face the fact that digitalization and robotics are transforming our world in an extraordinary way,” he added later in the interview.
“Skills that were sufficient even 5-10 years ago, whether in construction, other industrial manufacturing, or agriculture, will become obsolete much sooner than we can imagine today. We have to be prepared for change, we have to be open. Today, companies are not so much looking for people with professional skills, but for people who can adapt to these changes better, faster and more flexibly. And it is a matter of mentality, not of nationality or age. We must learn to adapt. This is the breakout point.” – summed up the CEO.
Comprehensive research by the Makronóm Institute has identified 14 promising technology areas in which the Hungarian economy has good market prospects, low exposure, and domestic potential for efficient development. These areas have been named breakout points, and each breakout point was discussed in detail by the invited guests in roundtable discussions.
In addition to, the event was also reported by several economic portals, more details can be found in the Makronóm summary article.