BIM wash, or Hollywood BIM
- August 23, 2024
‘BIM wash’ (also known as ‘Hollywood BIM’) is a relevant and apt adaptation of the concept of ‘greenwashing’ in the construction industry.
Just as greenwashing refers to companies misleadingly claiming to be environmentally friendly but not taking significant steps to protect the environment, BIM washing refers to companies using BIM technology superficially or misleadingly.
BIM wash erodes
the credibility of real BIM
BIM (Building Information Modelling) in short
BIM (Building Information Modelling) is a process that involves the digital representation and management of the physical and functional characteristics of buildings and other assets (Wikipedia). It allows designers, engineers and builders to collaborate effectively throughout the construction process, optimising design, construction and operation.
BIM wash, or Hollywood BIM
The terms BIM wash or Hollywood BIM are used when a company or project only appears to be using BIM technology without actually exploiting its potential. This is usually done for marketing purposes, to make the company look innovative and forward-thinking, when in reality, the BIM implementation is superficial, does not deliver real value, or only meets minimum requirements.
Features and signs
- Superficial use: the BIM model serves only as a 3D representation, without the full database of the building to enable data-driven decision-making.
- Lack of integration: BIM is only present in certain project phases but is not fully integrated into the design, construction, and operation processes.
- Marketing goals: BIM technology is mainly used in the company’s marketing communication, without providing real benefits for the project.
- Minimal compliance: projects meet only the minimum BIM requirements, for example, to comply with legislation, but do not seek to make full advantage of the technology.
☛ BIM washing, or Hollywood BIM, is very much present in the Hungarian reality, you can read more about the causes and the experience of it by clicking here.
BIM wash is often based on under-information and the myths surrounding BIM – the most common misconceptions surrounding the methodology have been summarized earlier in this article.
BIM wash results
The implications of BIM wash are more serious than first thought.
Most importantly, from the client’s point of view, it reverts the project back to the flawed logic of the traditional methodology, using the weakest link principle. This makes the project extremely expensive and vulnerable – dramatically reducing efficiency and effectiveness, causing hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars, depending on the size of the investment, in damages and problems that can take years to resolve and are difficult or impossible to correct.
On the service provider side, it not only damages the reputation of the company concerned, but also hinders the development and digitization of the entire industry. News of a failed project, which can be likened to a ‘disco accident’, and the resulting conflicts, fines and lawsuits, spreads quickly throughout the industry. After all, who wants to invest significant development funds in developing their own design, construction or operating company?
How to avoid it?
Required for a real BIM implementation:
- Full integration: BIM must be integrated into all project phases, from preparation to operation.
- Detailed data: the BIM model must contain all the relevant data of the building to function as a true information centre.
- Training and education: appropriate training and continuous development of staff to enable them to use BIM technology effectively.
- Genuine commitment: a real commitment from management to the full use of BIM, not just for marketing purposes.

True BIM implementation can bring significant benefits such as cost reduction, time savings and better communication.
BIM wash or Hollywood BIM is a superficial and misleading application of BIM technology that prevents projects from realizing the full potential of BIM. Avoiding this requires a true and comprehensive BIM implementation that includes data-driven design and construction.